Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Minute Reflection

Ten Things I'll Miss About Ecuador
10. Cheap transportation
9. Snack stores where you can buy a single roll of crackers or cookies instead of having to buy in bulk
8. Pirated DVDs
7. Empanadas, fresh avocados, fresh fruits, bread stores on every corner
6. Spanish pop music
5. The commonness of walking places. It's not that far away...why get in your car and drive there?
4. The nature.
3. Hearing Spanish everyday. It's such a beautiful language
1. The people. The guy on the street corner who sells mani dulce. The guards at my apartment complex. the woman at the sandwich shop by school which I frequented at least twice a week. My fellow BCAers: Alex, Amy, Vince, Kandi, January, Keita, Shun, Sophie, Lily, Julie, Joi, Kaitlin, Hannah, Ashley, Wesley, and Rachele. Daniel and Martha, BCA Program Directors. Volunteer people and the soccer boys: Galo, Andres, Camila, Chespie, Charlie, Suco, Messi, Jazmani, Miguel, Nathan, Paul, Morocho, David, etc. Friends from the U: Ana, Beth, Hannah, David, Stefano, Sebastian, Daniel, Paz, Claudia, Hector, Mika. My church community here. My extended family: Grandma, Martin, Susana, Samuel, Gabriel, Monica, Ignacio, Nicolas. And last but not least, my host family: Sol and Sebas and Bibi.
"Because I knew you....I have been changed for good."

Ten Things I Miss About the States
10. Safe and free drinking water
9. My cell phone
8. Not getting hit on by creepy old men on the streets
7. Dairy Queen, Sonic, Chinese food, real milk, cereal, pie, poppyseed bread, etc.
6. Tv Shows in English
5. Uncrowded streets and driving a car
4. Understanding everything
3. Fresh air
2. Throwing my toilet paper in the toilet
1. The people. My friends, my family, my dog.

This isn't goodbye, Quito, it's until later.

Que Dios les bendiga.

This is Lizzie, signing off.
Chao, chicos.

BCA Study Abroad Spring 2011.

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