Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cuenca: Not for tourists

Not going to talk much about this one because it wasn't that exciting. And it's so close to me coming home that I'm lacking the patience to do anything for a long period of time.

Ashley and I left from the bus stop near La Mariscal on Tuesday night at 10:00. Arrived in Cuenca, a mountain town south of Quito, at about 7:40 in the morning. Grabbed breakfast at a bread shop and found the other bus station that would take us to the Incan ruins in CaƱar. They were actually pretty cool. Their temple of the sun is the only oval-shaped Incan temple in the entire South American continent. Our tour guide spoke English during the tour because we had some annoying old American tourists who would ask him questions and talk really loudly and slowly. And they would stupidly use big words. So annoying. I think he liked Ashley and I, though, because we talked to him in Spanish.
Temple of the Sun:

Got back to Cuenca around 3 in the afternoon. Checked into a hostel, The Cafecito, and found the main square of town. Pretty architecture. Not much to do.
The Church of the Immaculate Conception:
Some bank:

We wandered/sat around until we ate supper. Got the vibe that Cuenca is a pretty classy city. There were high-dollar clothes stores on every corner and furniture stores every other store. Went to bed literally at 8:30. Woke up on Thursday morning at 10. Ate breakfast at the hostel and then started our day. We went to the Museo del Banco Central AKA Museo Pumapungo. There was art and recreations of the different ethnic tribes in Ecuador. Very interesting. And free. There was also a park out back that we walked around in and randomly stumbled upon a little birdie zoo. Highlight.

We finished up there around 2, found a snack, and then headed to the Panama hat museum which wasn't that in-depth. So we were done there in like half an hour. Then we tried some other museums, but they were all either closed or too small. Wasted time until supper and then got to the bus station by 6:45 even though the bus didn't leave until 10. Passed the time playing MASH, hangman, pictionary, and iTunes charades. Got back to Quito Friday morning at 7:00. 

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